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This is our first newsletter of the school year, therefore on behalf of everyone at Rattray School I welcome you all to session 2024/25.  We do hope you have all had a wonderful summer, despite the weather!  It was lovely to see all our pupils (and staff) return to school refreshed and ready for the new school year last week. All our pupils looked fantastic in their new uniforms, and we hope this will continue throughout the school year.

the end of this letter there will be several dates which we hope will be of assistance in planning busy family routines.  Also attached is a useful information and reminders document which will be handy for our new families or even as a reminder for our existing families. Please take the time to read this newsletter and as always, if you have any queries or concerns (no matter how trivial) please get in touch via our school office 01250 871980 or rattray@pkc.gov.uk