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I hope this (slightly late – apologies) January newsletter finds you well and that you had a joyful and restful festive period. The start of term seems to have started as last term ended, with staff and pupils battling lots of winter bugs. Hopefully, this will pass, and everyone’s energy will return, as our dedicated staff have already embarked on another term of learning, with a variety of exciting activities, projects, and special events planned for your children.

We have a few events happening in the coming weeks, these as always are in our annual dates at the end of each newsletter, but I would like to add more detail to these in our newsletter. I would particularly like to draw your attention to our Scottish afternoon and digital schools award. 

Scots Afternoon – Friday 31st January 2025 – 2pm (sharp)
Our Scots Afternoon (poster also attached) will be led by our upper school pupils from P6, P6/7 and P7. During the afternoon all our classes will entertain parents/carers and relatives with Scots poems, songs and dancing in Rattray Community Connect.  We hope you can join us on this celebratory afternoon but do remember to wear something tartan or Scottish and bring your dancing shoes - there may also be some shortbread on offer! Use this link to book your tickets  https://forms.office.com/e/JDpSsEu7X7 (priority to poem winners and P6 and P7 pupils. 

On this afternoon you will have the opportunity to hear our Scots poetry winners from each class. Parents of these children will be informed separately, and we will ensure that seating is kept at the Scots afternoon for 2 family members of each winning child.

Digital Schools
We are also delighted to share that prior to the Christmas break we were awarded the National Digital Schools Award. This is a national award to promote, recognise and encourage a whole school approach to the use of digital technology. The process to gain a digital schools award was a two-year long process, led very ably by Mr Masterton (P5 teacher) and equally able digital team consisting of 3 children in every class.

The validator who awarded our school was very impressed with a number of our approaches which are shared in this newsletter. We are absolutely delighted with this award and will share a more detailed report in the coming weeks. However, huge thanks and congratulations has to go to Mr Masterton and his digital team for this fantastic achievement.

Yours faithfully
Joanna Robertson 