Dear Parent/Carer
It has become very apparent and has been highlighted by local residents, who have contacted Police Scotland, that there are ongoing parking issues in and around the school gates, and on Honeyberry Drive.
We appeal to all parents to consider the consequences of your individual parking actions on the safety of all children coming and going to school, alongside the impact on local residents, who are unable to exit their homes on occasion as driveways are blocked.
The safest and most convenient location for parking or waiting is the designated Park and Stride on Hatton Road. Please do not park on the double yellow lines, zig zags and bus bay outside the school, or the double yellow lines and entrances to driveways on Honeyberry Drive.
We appreciate your assistance in this very important matter. If a friend or family member drops off/collects your child(ren) on your behalf, please can you share this important information with them?
Thank you
Mrs Robertson