In this section you will find up-to-date messages which are shared on our school app.


Don't miss out of Child Benefit


We want to make sure parents and carers are getting all the support they’re entitled to, so we’re getting in touch with some important information on Child Benefit. 
In April 2024, the amount people can earn before they start paying the High Income Child Benefit Charge increased to £60,000.   
For parents and carers who have not yet claimed Child Benefit, or who opted out of payments and have income between £60,000 and £80,000, it can now be financially worth theirwhile to claim. The easiest way to do this is on the HMRC app or online.  
We’d reallyappreciate your help in sharing this information withfamilies, so we’ve attached a handy toolkit with content ready to share on your channels.  
We’ve also included some messages to help parents and carers access their proof of entitlement online or on the app, which may be useful when applying for school places. 
Many thanks,



Child Benefit HICBC changes resource pack - January 2025.pdf

NHS Tayside CAMHS Neurodevelopment Parent Portal

We are excited to update you with the news that The NHS Tayside CAMHS Neurodevelopmental Parent Portal is now open to all.

The Portal is a valuable resource for parents and carers of children with neurodevelopmental differences, offering expert advice, practical strategies, and useful tools to help families in understanding and supporting their child. We’ve created a space where parents can find trusted information on:
• Understanding neurodevelopmental differences
• Strategies for everyday challenges
• Access to relevant resources

We believe this platform is a great asset to work with families, and alongside our online courses (see attached flyer) is helping to empower parents and carers as they navigate their child’s journey.

Please feel free to share this resource with families you support, using this short video and attached flyer, and encourage them to visit the site at

Best wishes,
The MHEO Team

Portal Poster Advertising (002).pdf

Attendance update

Dear Parent/Carer

At the beginning of the school year, I communicated with all parents to emphasise the importance of school attendance and the detrimental effects that regular absences can have on pupils’ education. Please find attached further communication regarding school attendance. 

Many thanks
Joanna Robertson 

Attendance letter - term 3 2025.pdf

After School Activities

All After School Activities will start the week commencing Monday 13th January except for Messy Church (P1-P3) which will not start until Monday 20th January.


After school clubs

We are delighted to share with you a list of extra-curricular clubs we are offering next term. Please sign up using the link in the letter attached for clubs you would like your child to participate in.


After school clubs - term 3.docx

P1 Registration Week

P1 Registration Week for pupils starting school in August 2025 is this week: 6th – 10th January 2025.

To enrol your child at Rattray Primary please complete an online form, which you can find here.

Our office are able to assist any parents with completing this form if you have any issues.

Who should be registered for P1?

  • Only children of school age and who live in our school catchment area. (Note that the online form has a built-in council tax check)
  • Nursery pupils who live in our school catchment who are currently in oour nursery and who will be continuing to P1 at your school.

Required address proofs: (at least one)
Council Tax Bill and Utility Bill (both documents required)* Preferred
Solicitor Confirm Purchase ** Acceptable
Copy of Lease Document Acceptable
* The Council Tax Bill must be held in the name of the parent enrolling the pupil. A letter from Council Tax confirming the parent lives at the address will be considered as a temporary arrangement and is not accepted as an appropriate proof of address – they must be named as the account holder on the bill.

Internet printouts of utility bills are accepted if the address is clearly stated.

**The Solicitor Confirm Purchase letter must indicate that the missives have been concluded and state a confirmed date of entry before the first day of the new school session.

Advice to parent/carers of children who do not live in your school catchment area, but wish to register for Rattray Primary

A registration cannot be accepted for non-catchment pupils.  Parents/carers must complete a Placing Request Application Form, available via the PKC website.  If submitting a placing request, the parent should not register at their local catchment school. A registration will be made for them at their catchment school, automatically and should your placing request be successful this registration will be moved to Rattray.

All Placing Request applications should be completed online by parents no later than 15th March 2025



After School Club Reminder

As previously corresponded there will be no after school clubs next week. All will resume in the New Year. Thank you. 


Arts & Craft after school club Cancelled

Arts & Craft after School Club is Cancelled tonight please collect your child from school at 3.20pm


After School Cricket Cancelled

IMPORTANT: After school Cricket on Wednesday 11th December is cancelled. Please pick up your child at 15:20.
Thank you.
Rattray Primary School


For Babies Born in 2024

Please find attached an Information flyer for babies born in 2024

RiR Information Flyer JLM Edit.docx